--Where were you? what happtened to you?
We were blocked by a freight train.
--Why would you put a train crossing in the middle of a down town intersetion?
~I didn't.
--Where did it come from?
Lemme ask you a question! Why the hell we were ambushed, huh? Those were not normal projections. He'd been trained, for god's sakes!
--You're right.
~How could he be trained?
--Fischer's had an extractor teach his subconscious to defend itself. so… His subconscious is militarized. This should have shown in the research. I'm sorry.
Why the hell you didn't?
--Calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down! ………………He's dying, for god's sake! 【We just have to let Satio down there, he will feel much better and there will be enough time down there.】 好吧最后一句是我乱写的因为找不到原文了=v=b
It‘s just another dream.